Make the white space of your data center work harder

Written by 

Dmitry Tsyplakov

Solution Manager

Managing a so-called “exponential rise” in data is a headache that some businesses would rather be without. That is why many are increasingly turning to colocation data centers to outsource time and resources, so they can focus on the business that matters to them the most. In fact, the spend on outsourcing to colocation data centers is expected to double by next year. The increasing adoption of digital transformation and data-hungry applications are creating a real business need for maximising the white space in the multi-tenant areas of colocation data centers with fast, reliable, and customised set-ups. 

For data center operators, meeting the unique needs of every customer’s business with speed, accuracy and reliability relies on the accessibility and performance of its fiber optic infrastructure. At a time when business budgets can be relatively low and costs on upgrading data center equipment very high, fiber optic infrastructure must meet must be flexible and scalable to reach long-term goals.  

A smart and simple foundation
Solutions that offer high-bandwidth and reliability are critical to offer a seamless and trusted connection to data, essential for meeting real-time data access needs. Cutting edge high-density fiber management solutions must be leveraged in a carefully structured and considered way to optimise the space for the customised setups that businesses require. 

With varying customer needs to address, it can be a complex task to build a physical layer optimally from the start. Some require a simple 10Gb connection to the Internet while others may need multiple 100Gb/400Gb connections to different network carriers and other data centers. Some customers will be satisfied with a pair of fibers while some will need a complete high-density patch panel with up to 144 fibers. 

With limited physical space available, installing fiber optic cables whilst utilizing the space most efficiently is key to making sure the data center remains future-ready. With moves, adds and changes (MACs) a necessity, the physical infrastructure layer must be structured in a way to maximise performance and uptime. The right structured cabling system must be customisable to save space and time whilst offering excellent performance and reducing maintenance needs over the long-term.

Planning for future-growth
As the fiber optic infrastructure grows, so does the operational and maintenance needs. To reduce costs and better leverage resources, all-optical switching technology is an excellent option for further boosting the performance within the multi-tenant area of a colocation data center. By leveraging the benefits of advanced, remote and automated all-optical switching, more efficient cross-connects and provisioning are possible from afar making rapid reaction to customer needs easy.

Bandwidth expansion is also a future-focused topic that needs to be addressed. When capacity limits are inevitably reached, there needs to be an option to expand bandwidth quickly and easily without adding more fibers. With space an ever-present constraint, it is also important to have solutions that take up minimal space. This is fundamental to sustaining long-term growth and reducing costs. 

Drive revenue
The data center solutions from HUBER+SUHNER help lay a solid fiber optic physical layer infrastructure designed for growth. Once a solid foundation is set in the multi-tenant area to meet varying business needs, more time and resources can be invested into revenue-driving activities. For example, by leveraging a high-density modular approach with expandable options, your white space is ready to work even harder as the space you save can instead be used to offer new services to customers. 

Connecting to growth means preparing for the future as well. HUBER+SUHNER ensures your data center infrastructure can adapt and scale to rapidly meet changing needs, with a strong portfolio of high-density structured cabling solutions and advanced automated all-optical switching technology. Having this on hand to deploy quickly is vital to meet customer demands in real-time while maximising uptime. 

Learn more about our structured cabling solutions for the data center white space

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